Peaches and Cream Brugmansia
This is a picture of a peaches and cream brugmansia we are growing. I planted it about 3 years ago. It grew well for about a year and half, and it bloomed spectacularly on at least one occasion.
In January 2007, it froze to the ground during cold weather. Since then, it has slowly been making a come back. A few days ago, it started blooming for the first time since the freeze.
I really like this brugmansia, because of its peachy colored flowers and variegated leaves. It does not grow as fast or bloom as much as the Charles Grimaldi brugmansia. Even so, it makes an attractive small shrub.
I put copper tape around the base of the trunk to keep the snails from eating the leaves. Without some form of snail control, snails eat many holes in the leaves, making the plant look unattractive.
I water this brugmansia regularly. I have it growing in a spot that only receives filtered sunlight in the afternoon and mostly shade in the morning. Although many sources say to plant brugmansia in full sun, my experience has been that brugmansia wilts frequently in full sun on hot summer days. I tend to think a shady or partly sunny spot is more ideal for brugmansia.
August 31 2008 05:36 pm | Brugmansia