Springtime Roses

Roses seem to be some of the most diverse garden flowers. Roses come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and scents. They bloom over a long period from spring to fall, unlike many other flowers that just bloom in spring. Although, the most abundant and most beautiful rose bloom is always the first spring bloom.

Every April and May I am enchanted by the beauty of the 2 dozen or so roses we have growing in our backyard. Below are pictures of a few of them. The first picture is Sheila’s Perfume, which is an incredibly fragrant rose. However, the candy color of these roses tends to fade quickly in a few days.

This second picture is Ginger Snap, which has an amazingly bright orange color.

This third picture is Color Magic, which has very large flowers that darken from light pink to deep pink as they age over a period of about a week.

April 29 2011 11:20 pm | Roses